About US

It’s all about the team

The palatable sensation we lovingly refer to as The Cheeseburger has a distinguished and illustrious history. It was born from humble roots, only to rise to well-seasoned greatness.


A cheeseburger is more than just a sandwich, it is a wish fulfilled.


A cheeseburger is more than just a sandwich, it is a wish fulfilled.

With Love

A cheeseburger is more than just a sandwich, it is a wish fulfilled.

Our story

Let us wax poetic about the beauty of the cheeseburger. The flavour gracefully dances across your palate like a majestic figure skater on ice.

The cheese melts on the burger and in your mouth, perfectly complementing the medium-rare beef. Any burger lover worth their salt knows the best patty is comprised of ground chuck and brisket.

Whether you’re a ketchup and mustard loyalist or you prefer house sauce to no sauce, you can agree that every cheeseburger has it’s own special flair. Top tip: house sauce begs to be ordered on the side for fry-dipping purposes.

Some Things

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  • Video Marketing
  • Logo DEsign

The palatable sensation we lovingly refer to as The Cheeseburger has a distinguished and illustrious history. It was born from humble roots, only to rise to well-seasoned greatness.

– Sam Smith (Owner)

Dream Team

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Sam Smith

The palatable sensation we lovingly refer to as The Cheeseburger has a distinguished and illustrious history. It was born from humble roots, only to rise to well-seasoned greatness.


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Maxi Wilson

The palatable sensation we lovingly refer to as The Cheeseburger has a distinguished and illustrious history. It was born from humble roots, only to rise to well-seasoned greatness.


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The palatable sensation we lovingly refer to as The Cheeseburger has a distinguished and illustrious history. It was born from humble roots, only to rise to well-seasoned greatness.

Prad Bitt

Prad Bitt
Manager, Leo Styles

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The palatable sensation we lovingly refer to as The Cheeseburger has a distinguished and illustrious history. It was born from humble roots, only to rise to well-seasoned greatness.

Aus heutiger Sicht ist mir eines klar:

das Studium ist quasi wie die „Grundausbildung“ zum Zahnarzt. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.

Da ich weiß, wie wichtig eine zukunftsorientierte und hochwertige Ausbildung in der Assistenzzeit ist möchte ich nun etwas zurückgeben an junge, motivierte und erfolgshungrige Zahnärzte und Zahnärztinnen. Die besten unter Ihnen möchte ich unterstützen und ihnen die geld-, zeit- und nervenaufreibende Zeit zu ersparen, um ihre „Traumstelle“ zu finden!

Warum immer umziehen? Und nie zu wissen, wo man letztendlich landet!

Warum sich immer wieder neu in ein Team eingliedern?

Warum den eigenen Patientenstamm verlassen, wenn man doch gerade erst eine Beziehung zu den Menschen aufgebaut hat?

Aus diesem Grund habe ich mich entschlossen ein einzigartiges Stipendium zu entwickeln: